Anyone from FM2-3 alive?

hey guys its been a while since ive been on here. thinking about getting back in the scene for a little dont know who is playing forza or not.
anyway add me have a new GT: DriftxDaily
happy drifting
DS Hawk

My account doesn’t show it but I go back to fm1 on Xbox.

Hawk I used to be on drift squad with blu. My Gt is ftk recon send me a fr

Yeah man, I’ve been playing since FM1 but active in the community since FM2.

ayyyyyy lmao

well if anyone remembers me send us a fr kinda keen to get back into the scene

Yes, XE Stuey.

im still here from FM2, and 3. and 4.

Drifting nd post in here since fm2, send me a FR I mean follow whatever haha

Going on my 7th year in the community. On and off that is.