Anybody wants to see 3D capabilities added?

I was thinking if it would take a lot of work to bake in side-by-side 3D into the game. or the frame sequencing… but I guess for the frame sequencing the game needs to run at 120fps at least to make it work up to standards and I’m not sure if the One is capable of that yet. (maybe when the new DirectX comes out?)

Anyway, is there anyone else who wants to see 3D being added? this would pave the way for one day having support for occulus rift as well. and that would just be amazing!

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Only if done right. I (and many others) get terrible headaches from improperly executed (or simply shoddy) stereoscopic 3d. I had a stereoscopic 3d device for PC many years ago called “ELSA”. It worked, but not without giving me migranes playing the original NFS: Hot Pursuit.

More recently, my Ninteno 3DS got sold off within 2 weeks of my buying it- same reason.

I can take SOME 3d movies, but it’s a gamble.

No thanks. An internet search reveals a multitude of articles looking into a dying trend of consumers purchasing 3D capable televisions (as opposed to their non-equipped counterparts) and the rapidly disappearing inventory of 3D television broadcasting. To put the effort into something that really doesn’t appear to be having the appeal the technology originally promised seems like an absolute waste … in my opinion.

From what I’ve gathered shooting 3d is a pain in the butt. That said, I’d love a 3d experience, from time to time I’ll use the upscaler on my tv and it gives the cockpit depth which is kinda neat, but doesn’t really do much for the whole bumper/wing flying at you, nor judging the corners much better. Still, kinda fun just to do. To the point though, the future is Morpheus//Occulus. Project Cars is already supporting Morpheus, which makes me wonder if Sony will try to bring it to market by next Christmas, despite claims of not releasing it in 2014. I believe its different this time with VR. The screen/camera tech is there. Its just a matter of putting the right pieces together and refining it. Personally, I’d love to see forza in VR environment. Imagine the full fanatec setup(I know its expensive and not even released for xbox one, but we’re thinking 2015…also…we’re dreaming of VR here so work with me!), with a VR headset, imagine it comes with non suck 3d sound~ headphones. Racing, looking over your shoulder, Kinects working in concert with it so you could actually wave cars ahead of you, give someone the old thumbs up…and of course other more descriptive things which may or may not be hilarious given your drivatars doing it… Oh yeah, kinect sport is out by now ,so we are all scanned in, with our likeness’s driving. Oh yea…thats getting preordered, the day its announced…

PS: Whats up with the silence coming from the Microsoft while everyone goes nuts over VR? Either they are sitting on something really cool or reeling badly…

I think 3D is just gimmick and has no place in movies or video games. I know that almost all tvs that are being made now have 3D, but it just seems like a waste IMO.

I have seen nothing yet that makes me want to jump on board with 3D or Octopus Raft.

microsoft likes to save announcements for major shows like e3. but if you’re really curious . they bought all those patents for something.

I’ve seen that too. But from your article:
“In fact, it is already at work on a new set of technologies and products around head-mounted computing devices, with a new set of patents to go with them that Microsoft does not own.”

Which doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in Microsofts position. It also seems as if they are heading in the google glass direction…which makes very little sense to me when its concerning gaming…

I’d say no to VR and 3D.

3D on TV hurts my eyes and head.

VR, I simply have no interest in, moreover, it makes the user look utterly ridiculous with that thing on their heads. And I could easily see that thing giving me a far worse headache than 3D ever could.

As others state: 3D is highly overrated for consumers. That said, most 3D TV’s already can convert 2D to some kind of 3D themselves where a multitude of calculations are done based on the motion of the imagery and its focal point.

And no, the moment a game comes out in 3D only and/or with poor 2D support, that publisher will see a major drop in sales. Don’t forget; some of the initial regions the One was launched in, aren’t all that wealthy making the amount of 3D-TV’s per capita a bit lower.

I much much rather see 4K support coming to consoles soon although that will have to wait as well because both PS4 and One aren’t technically beefy enough for native (!!!) 4K rendering.

3D conversion is hilariously wonky in most cases and not a real option either, IMO. My TV has it, I’ve used it for a laugh once or twice but would never use it seriously on my TV or any other set I’ve seen it on.

If you do want 3D the only platform that’s really powerful enough to support competent 3D gaming with the eyecandy still on will likely be PC, neither the XBone or PS4 are really that powerful and I suspect will run out of steam quickly if they attempt 3D.

I’m against 4K for the majority of things however gaming isn’t one of them. I’d need such a large TV to notice the difference however in gaming a big advantage (even on a 1080 set) would be the reduction of aliasing so in gaming it makes a lot of sense.

Once again though, these consoles won’t be pulling that off with any sort of sophisticated graphics so we’re back to where we started.

4K will be a quicker fad than 3d. 8K cameras are already here, and make a whole lot more sense when you consider human vision. 4k is simply a cash grab on the way

If I want a great 3D experience I’m gonna use the cash it would cost me for a 3D tv and system and buy a cheap YZF-R6 and pay for some track days again. In my opinion 3D is just a cheap marketing ploy that has never really worked. If a giant corporation like Universal can’t make a great 3D experience at their own theme park without it looking cheap and cheesy how could it be any better in your own home for under $3,000.00? Again just my opinion and Turn 10 could spend the money toward scanning more tracks or enhancing the physics of the game more witch would make everyone happier.

yep , i would like a 3d option…

I would love for any xbox one game to be 3D ready.

this thread makes me wanna do some 2D - 3D racing now, and one day hope for better use of my 3D tv.

3D is a waste of resources. It makes a nice tech demo, not a good gaming experience.

3D is a gimmick.

“I can’t cop to having the same—or any—emotional ties to Oculus that many who invested in the company’s Kickstarter campaign. But going in cold and experiencing just a taste of what Jaunt can offer in terms of a cinematic experience, I can say that we’re in for an incredible, and incredibly exciting, sea change for modern media. It definitely won’t be immediate, but if it can figure out a way to scale, it will be huge. In the immortal words of Martin Lawrence: Shit just got real.”
-Jordan Kushins Gizmodo