Since Xbox Live was down, I’m not able to connect to any online sections anymore. Anybody has the same trouble?
Which console are you one and what happens when you tro to go online? Do you get any messages appear on your screen?
My online is hit-or-miss since the November console update. Sometimes iz ok, sometimes every attempt gets “unable to connect, check network connection” message (connection is just fine).
My party chat has gone straight to hell, incidentally. I’ve started running parties on 360 while gaming on the XB1 it’s so bad.
This is what i get too, it is very very unstable
Service alert has gone up for COD and Destiny.
I often find when a service alert is there, even if it is for the wrong game then you can have issues in other games too.
Once the service alert at the link below goes away I would do a cold reboot and maybe even reboot your router/modem and try again.
I saw that too, is this gonna be fixed soon?
From @ForzaMotorsport on Twitter:
“We are aware of issues with online matchmaking in #Forza5 and are working on a solution.”
Possibly a similar issue affecting Forza Horizon 2?
The xbox live service alert has changed to one that mentions no games. We could assume that it applies to all games.
Social and GamingLimited
Affected platforms:
Xbox One
Affected services:
Joining other Xbox Live members in online games
13/11/2014 1:35:33 PM :
Hi Xbox members, are you seeing some issues with matchmaking? We’re doing everything we can to get this resolved. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience! We’ll have an update here in a half hour.
The service alert is now green so I would suggest cold reboots and try again.
Hello everybody,
I hope someone will help me in order to find a solution for this problem…
Let me explain to you what’s going on:
I bought Forza Horizon 2 Day One (I preordered it) and I played it until now really well but, my girlfriend wanted to start his own play on my Xbox One since mid-end October.
I let her do it but she can’t have access to community liveries (the option to search isn’t mentioned and doesn’t work) and can’t access to my crew (and even to any crew because the option isn’t “white” on the screen and can’t be chosen).
Finally, she can’t have access to any multiplayer part of the game (I know we need an Xbox Live Gold in order to have it but she even can’t access these menus and have the message asking to switch to the Gold subscription) but that’s not really the big point here.
I don’t really know where’s the problem because there were few updates since then, she continues to play the game and, I have still those options but she not…
Could anyone help me to solve this problem because she wants to be able to access my crew and also take some nice community liveries
Thank you for your help,
Xbox Live is on in my country and I can play online but my girlfriend can’t access to any part of online of the game (community liveries, crews, multiplayer roadtrips & races,…) since the beginning (she play on my Xbox One with his account since mid-end October and I play since the 3rd of October (Preordered the Day One Edition)).