Any insights into why some vinyl groups can be shared and some can't?

Anyone know what determines whether or not some vinyl groups can be shared or not? I’ve shared a bunch of vinyl groups, but have some that FM5 won’t let me share and I don’t know why. I have a bunch of Ken Block graphics from his Monster Energy gymkhana car that I can’t share at all. My only thought why with these is that maybe for some reason T10 has blocked sharing of any graphic using the words ‘Ken Block’ in the description? Maybe too many of them already uploaded or something?

But I have some others where I have two versions of the same vinyl … one color and one black and white … and I can share the color one but not the black and white one. Their names and descriptions are identical except one has a ‘v2’ added. I have no idea why one can be shared and one can’t.

Any thoughts?

Have you tried getting rid of the terms you think it might be blocking and seeing if it will let you share it then?

Forwhatever reason it won’t let me put border patrol together in a description of my border patrol raptor livery but if I separate them with another word it lets both words be there.

Honestly I don’t know but in my experience just re save it (even with the same description or name, doesn’t matter!) and it’ll let you load it… Quick workaround but doesn’t answer why not… Just delete the unshareable one and keep the shared one, for whatever reason the new one will upload but old one will say try again later forever lol hope this helps but since it’s a dupe save you keep unlocked rights plus get it in SF… Best wishes