I’ve spend a long time playing today and have yet to find a way to jump into a infected lobby. I know you can start a game from a location on the map but if no one wants to play it then your In a rough spot.
I tried starting about a dozen infected and king games today and next had more then 4 people.
Am I missing something?
Same here. I have not found any lobbies. There goes the fun of infected i suppose…
I haven’t played the full game yet, but based on the demo I assume you look for a free roam, and then start an activity from there.
Yes. That is correct. However, say there are 8 people in an online free roam, i have found that usually leads to a 2-3 person game of infected because not everyone in the freeroam will want to participate. Lobbies would be better.
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I wouldn’t worry too much just yet. Wait a few days and let Europe and Australia join in on the fun and I’m sure there will be more players willing to play a variety of FH2 games.