Hi there, I having some trouble adjusting my anti roll bars on my 2013 Shelby gt500. I would like suggestion on a good all around tune that will work on most tracks. I use the car to race in the b600 level races. The car is all stock, with no aero. and sport brakes. Any help will be appreciated.
You can still always tune the pressures and diff. If its oversteeing I would lower rear pressures and if your understeering I would lower front pressures.
I have a tune posted on my account. If you would like to give it a try it might work for what you need. I also race in B-Class with the Shelby GT 500.
It’s not a 2013 GT00 but the 2007 version - I have a Free complete Build and Tune for the 2007 which might give you some inspiration!
Click ‘2007 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 [RWD]’ to get to the build and tune.
Thanks for the tips guys, I will try them out. One question, if my front anti roll bar is set at 29:02 as the default setting where should I set my rear anti roll bar if I find the back end seems to fish tale around corners ?
You need to experiment around with settings! Dependent on what and when you are oversteering can be your aero, springs or anti-roll bars!!