Another annoying bug

why is it that every time i start the game again and exit the garage it forces me to set a route to the new Horizon Origins story even though I ALREADY COMPLETED IT. i even three starred all the events and unlocked all the accolades for it. what a joke this supposed “triple A” game is. do they even play test this trash before release? i think not.


Mine does that too.

Yep, same here. A couple restarts and it’s still doing it. Only since completing the new story. Being forced to “set” a route (it doesn’t care where as long as it’s a story apparently) and then having to “unset” that route is going to get real old real quick.

Same here. Blatant and annoying.

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And it gets more annoying…

Travel back from Hot Wheels to Mexico and it did the same thing. MUST set a route to an event. BUT… the new (completed) Anniversary or whatever event it has been default zooming to blinked out from the map. Lucky for me I have uncompleted stories that will satisfy this annoying bug or I guess I’d have been forced to restart. I just hope it’s not a sign that the bug is getting buggier and next time I start up it’s going to do the same disappearing act again. Not for me, I can use an uncompleted story to set a route again, but, I know a lot of people won’t have that option and can see an endless restart loop issue.

Out of curiosity, has anyone reported this yet ? I haven’t. I suppose I should. For all the good it’s likely to do.

My belief is that they should read the forums… it’s their game.