Am I allowed to...

First off, I would’ve searched the forums for an answer to my question, but for whatever reason the search won’t work. I gets stuck in an infinite load.

Anyway, today I received my first Unicorn car, so naturally I got pretty excited. I upgraded it to S-Class and tuned it then took it online for a race and ended up winning. Now, instead of risking a ban for doing something I didn’t know you couldn’t do, I figured I would come to the forums and ask:

Am I allowed to share unicorns in my club garage?

Pretty sure you can.

Someone actually just sent me a message over Xbox Live and gave me some answers. This thread can be locked, Admins.

Yes, you can share as many unicorns as you want in a club garage. You however cannot buy, sell, gift, or trade a unicorn with another player.

However, you can sell the car back to the game.