As of today, I stopped enjoying this game. I’ve tried 5 times to start an online adventure and I was disconnected 2 times before starting any event, the otter three times I completed the 5 events and in the end, disconnected.
This game is making me waste my time.
I love it but I have no more patience for this kind of bug to take the pleasure of playing for fun.
How can I complete the season challenges if I get disconnected all the time on online adventure.
Impossible to get the achievements.
So I guess that it will be the last time I will spend any money on this game franchise and I will make sure to pass the word around my friends.
I m very frustrated, and I believe I’m not the only one.
Since the last update, what was introduced as a new mechanic to “enhance “ the gameplay, it is ruining it for me.
Besides the disconnected sessions, now I have to deal with people that ram into your car in every race. Annoying, and I’m forced to play with them.
Well, another point to leave the game.
I don’t know if i’ll Get banned on the game or this post, but seriously, tonight my patience was tested and it is over for me as a Forza fan and player.