AJ’s Photo Gallery

“Black Widow” with Scarlett Johansson, livery by @forca_seaman

SC# 766 988 671


“Retro Ultrace” livery by @StuiiDesign

SC: 661 789 963


“National Geographic” livery by @kctigerfan

SC# 115 768 451


Nice set! Is KC still around or did he do this awhile back? I talked to him briefly early on in FH5 on the Twitter but then I left that platform. Dude’s always been one of the greats.

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Yeah…if memory serves me correct this is one his older projects. Not sure if he is still super active or not. I haven’t been to his hub in quite an awhile to see if anything is new.

Another guy I miss tremendously that did this type of bird art is @MOVINGshadow77, he’s been MIA from the DLK camp for a very long time now. Probably coming up on 4 years now.

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THIS :point_up_2:t2: WOW… what a testament to your skills but also the graphics capability of the game. Great shots as always brother :+1:t2:

I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets a bit obsessive when it comes to finding minor issues with designs post release :smile: I will inevitably find things that I just have to ask myself how I missed them, though in all honesty, most would never even notice.


It’s almost inevitable that as soon as I click that “Share” button I notice a mistake :slight_smile:

And yes that photo by AJ is unreal, just awesome.


DUDE - blast from the past, MovingShadow… always loved his work and DragonArts. The only DLK guys I know are still around are ChedBob and Dreadwalker. There is one or two others, I follow their FB page and Dread will post a new design once in awhile. ChedBob is in the Share Your Creations FB group so I run into him often still.

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Hey Bravo my brother! How’s it going!
Thanks for the props as always. Much appreciated.

Speaking of that set on on “Shark Fest” done by Fluex, it was one that I’ve been wanting to shoot for very long time since he released it back from the Hotwheels DLC.

Funny story was just when I figured it was a wrap on that particular shoot I was about to call it a done deal and went to get a cup of coffee and a doughnut from the kitchen with the game still in photo mode. Well my youngest cat is always laying with me when I play and has a knack for playing with control sticks when the controller is at idol. When I came back I kid you not that image was on the TV when I got back. I sat in amazement trying to figure out a slightly better angle to make it work for probably 20 minutes and almost gave up trying to make it look right with the glare and everything. I didn’t want to miss that opportunity. True story. Glad I stuck it out on that one. :laughing:


WOW!!! Just WOW!!! :heart_eyes:


That story definitely makes it 100X better! File that one under the “you can’t make this stuff up” category :joy:


Oh yes…Mr. Cheddar! Quite the character he is. Old Bob been laying pretty low this run on FH5, but he’s still around. He a good dude. :sunglasses:

Yup, DragonArts made his comeback on FH5 which to the delight of Dreadwalker’s approval was long overdue. I asked Dread in conversation one night just before FH5 if there’s a couple guys he would like to see painting again he said DragonArts and Smarkel. Both have since come back to the DLK camp.

That club has been going on for over 15 years now and still no signs of slowing down with the talent involved. Old friends of mine and was happy to be apart with them for a few years no doubt. Had some really good times!

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“Thought Police” livery by @FormFirm

SC# 625 150 875


“The F.O.R.C.E.” livery by @SnakeEyes_Friex

SC# 171 371 842


“Barn Find” livery by @sodbuster777

SC# 502 613 575


“619/Booyaka-Rey Mysterio” livery by @Skogarmar

SC# 101 247 641


Joe’s Mysterio car is awesome, love that one. Great sets overall, love the LL Cool J one too.


Cheers for the download and some great shots of my Rey Booyaka design :v:


Thanks broham, glad you dig the sets!

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Your welcome @Skogarmar! Your creation on Rey was spectacular! Thank you for sharing with us!

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