Add Practice & Qualification in Private Multiplayer

Please add qualifying to private lobbies

And race playlist like number of races and setting to reverse qually results etc

Adjust setting for example

Race 1 = qually result
Race 2 = reverse grid
Race 3 = race results

Each race could have weather setting etc

Many Thanks

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I saw the update for the spectator mode in the preview of Update 12… So i logged into the game to finally see if it was possible to host streamed race night events. Then i saw that there was no qualification and practice session. hahaha… Logged of the game & Back to ACC.

And how do you fill a private lobby anyway…

You find 23 friends all willing to play at the same time.

Yeah! But even better if you can search for private lobby and make new friends

This suggestion is imperative for league racing. Currently the process is just super clunky and causes almost every race night for my league to start behind schedule. Once the race details have been confirmed, the host should just be able to hit a start button and initiate the following standard sequence of events:

  1. Practice (Host sets time limit)
  2. Qualifying (Host sets # of qualifying laps and how they determine grid order for the race)
  3. Race

Basically just copy-paste the public online lobby race format with a few custom tweaks. Currently the process is very cumbersome. This would be such a huge quality of life improvement for your most dedicated players- league racers.