Account disappeared

Hello everybody on this forum! Well I’m The S Meister, hi! Well I hate my first post to be a bit negative but I’m also looking for help. Recently, for some reason when I started up forza, the tutorial began playing, and I just played along and everything was gone. My koenissiegg etc…my drivatar, just everything, I tried everything to fix it and it’s just all gone. I pre-ordered the game and now I don’t have any dlcs, but I have not tried redox loading the code, but I will do so, just to see if it works, so my drivatar is gone, and you can even check on my achievements that I have at least 30 gold on races, but now my drive tar as done less than 8 races. Well I. Ant access my dlcs and it just really sucks, if there was a way to access a previous cloud data, that would be great, but im assuming it overrides it. If any of your have any ideas that would be great, anyway, thanks and any ideas are appreciated! Thank you

Are you sure that you were signed into the Xbox One under the correct profile?

Try this: Back out to the dashboard, select the Forza 5 tile, press the menu button and select quit. Then go up to the top left of the dashboard and make sure that the correct account is signed in. Then restart Forza 5 and hopefully you’ll be back up and running with all your stuff.