ABC not allowed in Vinyl Group name?

At the start of this year, I decided that I was going to recreate as many Aftermarket Logos as I could. I decided to do it in Forza Motorsport 5 because that way, I’ll be able to carry them over to at least 5 other titles.

So far, I’ve finished a whole letter’s worth of Aftermarket logos (except for Araxis, couldn’t find any pictures for reference), but I recall something rather weird happening when I tried to upload the ABC Vinyl Group: the game would reject it and say that the name has inappropriate language in it.

I merely named it ABC B, the B for Black like I do with all my other Vinyl Groups. I just don’t understand the thought process behind the term ‘‘ABC’’ being blacklisted. I get that it could be used for an insult like ‘‘u cnt evn git ur ABCs rite’’, but the initials are literally the name of an actual Aftermarket Brand!

This is the Logo I’m talking about, the ABC standing for Autosport Bearings & Components.
As you can see, it should be pretty straightforward and self-explanatory. When I finished recreating this logo, I had to change the name associated with it to ‘‘Auto BC’’ just to get it to be uploaded.

Still, it leaves me baffled. Why is this string of 3 letters that form the start of the alphabet, something just about everyone knows, so frowned upon when someone merely tries to upload something with that name to the Forza Motorsport 5 servers?