A Simple Way to Fix Driveatars

The issue with Driveatars is not that they are inaccurate, quite the opposite in fact. The problem is, people who race with Cosmetic Damage have their Driveatars thrown into races like mine, where I am using Simulation damage.

If you use Cosmetic, it is likely that you race dirty and turn “using other cars” as a friend put it. If you race Simulation, you likely race clean to keep your car healthy. So here’s the solution.

Simply do not allow Driveatars based predominantly on Cosmetic racing into the Simulation races. Cosmetic gets Cosmetic racers, and Simulation gets Simulation racers. Of course, you should be able to simply allow certain friends that race in the other category to join your race through an option on their profile.

This will take minimal time to code in and will fix dirty racing where it is a problem, on Simulation races.

So what do you think, Forza Public?


Hey i use Cosmetic and full assists, im not a dirty racer

i dont see it i use cosmetic damage and i race clean