A Heartfelt Plea to Turn10 from an Avid Fan Since the Beginning

about the driver gear: i give a rats ass about it. i still wear the standard white one lol even though i have quite a few unlocked now. just really dont care.

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DITTO, DITTO ,DITTO. …T-10 give us back what we loved about the game. not this mess we have now!!!


Well said OP.
I held out with my 360 because my Forza branded CSR wheel will not work with Forza games on Xbox One.
I finally bought an Xbox One and FM7 (UE) - looking forward to all the improvements T10 made from FM4 to FM7. Sadly, the game is another example of one step forward, two steps back.


100%, Hope you are listening Turn10


"Forza Motorsports 7 was like a swift shot to the nuts with a large, half-inch drive torque wrench.

Here’s why.

  • VIP mess-up. You guys know you messed up and already admitted it. Better late than never and thank you for taking action. They fixed it
  • Loot crates… this has been talked about to death by gamers and the media. This level of evil is usually reserved for bad tippers and people who talk at the theater. Who cares?
  • Homologation was a bad idea. Making Homologation a cornerstone when applying upgrades so that you can’t even see torque numbers anymore when applying engine parts??? Sure, it’s not like anyone trying to set up an engine for a car needs to be bothered by a pesky torque number anyway right? I understand what you were trying to do but you failed epically at it and because the homologation is so hopelessly woven into the game, I doubt you can do anything about it. The best part of the game for me
  • Still haven’t solved the “crasher problem” in lobbies. After 10 years of multiplayer, I’m convinced that you guys simply don’t care about this one anymore. Agree
  • Glitches. The game on XBox One crashes every 4 or 5 races when playing online. After 3 or 4 races, the names of players no longer show up on the tags above the cars. The engine-revving audio glitch is BACK?? Wasn’t that fixed in Forza 5??? Car selection screen freezes and reloads. Never happend to me
  • Test Driving option is gone from Tuning and Upgrades. Find the person that removed that feature that has been there for the last 4 Forza games and have them repeat “Tuning and Test Driving go Hand-in-Hand!!!” 100 times in the parking lot. Agree
  • Class leaderboards for each track removed??? Really? Good now moren even cars compete
  • Truck racing and side-by-sides are funny. I get it. Don’t let them in the hoppers please! I know you can do this, you did it before with that troublesome limousine in FM6. Agree

Not a bad idea of course but the implementaion could be better

Has the double payout thing gone through now, or is it due to be implemented?

I’ve been painting, so I haven’t been paying attention!

It has not been implemented as of 10 hours ago. I saw they were working on it but did not have a time frame for release.

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Can you elaborate further why when you enter a single car spec race and they are all Homo’d down below the stock spec of the vehicle is the best part of the game for you?

Homologation is a great idea but needs to be implemented carefully. The way it is now it feels as if they took 10 cars and created a Homolog number from the average PI of all 10. Using that method(which it feels like what was done) it’s unreasonable to expect the higher PI’d cars to perform competitively once scaled down. It’s also unreasonable to thinkthe small window of available upgrades are enough to make the lower PI cars in that set competitive. I tried to use the Juke for the SUV series and it was hilariously bad. It could do great in the bends but the HP was so far off, the Porches, Bentleys and Urus would obliterate it on straights. It was hilarious carrying momentum through a turn, pulling 6 cars ahead only to have the gap erased and applied to me before the next braking point. In FM7 it feels like the restrictions for each division were decided via RoShamBo.

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OP is spot on! Thank you for taking the time and composing this, I couldn’t have said it half as good myself.


I sure miss being able to race my Honda Civic Hatchback against Ferraris…



2007… That number next to Scott and my username. 10 years… Well, at least we had a good run guys, eh?

FM7 seems to spend more energy modifying drivers outfits then the cars themselves. Spa day? cucumber face and pink onzies? It’s like someone threw Forza and the F2P Barbie’s spa day app my daughter plays into a blender. I didn’t come for dress up time and earning a chance to unlock new edgy outfits (On fleek? the big lebowski? Seriously?). Know your market. Most of your customers do/did/will hope to have an in-game car in their driveway one day. We are car guys (and girls), and for most of us the only part of that lifestyle we can afford is Forza. I came to build cars, race them, modify them to improve my times, rinse, repeat. Period. I will keep doing that for a year while anticipating what FM8 or whatever will ADD, then I continue to do the same thing, forever. The game premise is simple, it wasn’t broken and could’ve and should’ve only got better. But then FM7 happened. Now I build a car and the game throws exclamation points in my face and shuts down access to races and content. The game is fundamentally broken down to the core. I’ve emailed T10 twice, “thank you for your feedback”.

I made a double mistake pre-ordering at gamestop. Hey, I like game stores and I wanted to support them because God knows they’re the next Blockbuster video now that we all consume content digitally. So by pre-ordering at a store I lost out on a FH3 car pack, a FM7 car pack, and the ability to get a refund. Super! I guess I will no longer get 24982347023984 of the best cars in the future since I will not pre-order the next T10 game.

“Thank you for your feedback”…

My feedback will be in the form of a monetary reply to FM8’s release. I’ll just consider my non-purchase my refund.

PS T10: Don’t tell everyone when I buy FM8, because let’s be honest… You know I’ll buy it… But I’m still mad.


This post is spot on and I wholeheartedly agree.


I think my account is still under moderation despite being a member for over a decade… After playing this game however for the past week or so, I just can’t support this release. I made the difficult choice to vote with my wallet and requested a full refund through Microsoft. I really loved this franchise, and maybe there will be a better show next year, but this is more than a let down. There is no other racing game I’m going to, no other motive here. Just a resignation to the fact that this series changed for the worse and the only things these companies care about is that bottom line.

My expanded thoughts on the game here: https://whatcoulditmeme.com/forza-motorsport-7/


It would appear that the Forza franchise has joined many others. It now appears to be more about creating money and increasing the fan base by becoming more generic and trying to please more casual gamers. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]. I sincerely hope the guys at Slightly Mad Studios can get some decent patches into PC2 and turn it into the racer people want, in turn stealing Turn 10’s thunder.


It’s a shame, because I refunded my FM7, then downloaded PC2 and really not loving the racing in it. SP is potentially far better, but wasn’t loving the wheel with it. Conversely, a good friend has it with the same wheel as me and loves it. To each their own.

I preferred the racing in FM7, but the removal of the only features I’d use left the game a pointless waste of $150 CAD so as disappointed as I am, I won’t be buying it again unless they at least fix rivals with some decent hotlap options.


I don’t think they are trying to target a group that’s any different than they have for the last 12 years. I have played PC and will say though it is fun it is also different animal than FM, but that is because FM was never designed to be as simulation as PC, even back in the OG days with the original game it was always more relaxed. Even though my driver tier may look like I am a hardcore racer I most certainly am not, I just play the franchise A LOT! I like that this franchise usually would let me dial the setting back and run the races and complete them as necessary. I was able to do that until this little demon came out and made my typical setting become a joke. Most races I can survive and progress the game as it should, but then there are other series or tracks (SEBRING!) that are just impossible to complete and progress the game, I know I still get series points but I want to win so that I don’t have to go back and redo the race. I don’t think this was an intentional F You to loyal fans, more so that it was a case of new ideas with bad implementation. It will get better, they usually correct issues and life will move on.

As it stands I’m somewhere in the middle.

As long as loot crates remain purchasable using in-game credits, and no CARS are locked exclusively to crates, I have no issues with them, even if they add the ability to buy them with tokens too. Mod crates are decent value, and the rest is cosmetic, which leads me to…

Driver skins are fine. I know it’s not for everyone, but you can choose to leave it. It’s not like it took all of T10’s time or budget to implement either.

I do like the dynamic weather and time of day. I rarely used the photo booth but some of the effects have encouraged me to pause the race to take a few shots. BUT, the fact they’ve heavily nerfed the graphics in some places (which is understandable on a base xbone, but certainly not on a gaming PC) to implement it has left a sour taste and I do question if it was worth the compromise. The LOD and detail of reflections on the cars and the cardboard cutout trees are disgusting for a 2010 open world game, let alone a 2017 closed world game.

The homologation is a great idea on paper and had me REALLY excited. But in practice it needs work.

Open class Leaderboards and overall Leaderboards are sorely missed by everyone. I’m sure most things would be overlooked if they’d just bring these back. Oh, and what’s with dynamic rain and dry laps on wet Leaderboards?

Threaded optimisation and memory leak fixes. PLEASE. None of the rest matters if we can’t even play the game properly without textures disappearing or CTDs.


I fully agree with the original post here. All I could add was the same thing just in other words. Forza Motorsport 7 is an excellent game overall but it’s telling that it disappointed most of the loyal fanbase. Now, I think there are two paths in front of Turn 10 / Microsoft. Either they go down this flashy, trendy “wider audience” path, forever alienating the loyal fans from the Forza (and the Xbox) brand in the process, or they steer back - at least partly - to the popular, more elegant, technical, but most of all, serious path of Forza Motorsport. Let Horizon be the “wider audience” game and make Motorsport serious, realistic, and put back all the features we loved about it in the past. Serious racing, leaderboards, time trials, test drive, upgrading, tuning, these are what make Forza Motorsport what it is. Sadly, we know all too well that Microsoft doesn’t believe in diversity, all they believe in is unifying everything and making all games the same. If you go down this path then Motorsport will be dead in a few years because no matter how flashy you design it, Horizon will always be more popular for the “wider audience” while the Motorsport fans will go play Gran Turismo on PS4 instead. If neither Turn 10 nor Microsoft understands this then the franchise is dead in the long run.


I think this is the key point. Having Horizon as the more casual game and FM more realistic gets them the best of both worlds where they get the money of a wider audience whilst keeping a core of more serious players, which will grow as some Horizon players seek something more challenging as they progress.

But this is micro$oft. They want to have their cake and eat it.