A bit of dissapointed in forza

Fist i started to say that on my profile, i have been with forza since 2010, now i am a bit unhappy with the support we get. You spend a hell lot of money supporting the fransice and it takes forever to solf a problem you got. In game, me and my boy can’t acsess any online futures, first i thought we where banned or so but when i go end do some resurge, it all comes to that there is no ban on. I submitted a support ticket about 3 days ago, still no one has touch it or even opened it. I only want to know is there a ban on our profiles if yes whats the reason on it. We love this game but if this go on i rather change my point of view on this. All they can do is just msg us to say yes or no, if yes please state why and if no please fix it. I meen from 2010 to 2019 its a bit of support atleast they cab show us. I am in this francise for 9 years, emagine what a spended on this francise allready. I mean common, atleast they can show us some service here. Wrll when somenone is ready to help just inbox me and i can send the details. This is not how you show support to your gamers…

Are you playing on xbox…if so is your Gold subscription up to date…

And you submitted a ticket on the weekend when there’s no one to answer

Did you post on here with your issue with more details than you provided in the above post so us regular users might have been able to help

Yes its on xbox, my gold acc. is up to date, Well Monday has passed and surely some one had to get the support ticket by today. In previous post I did explain in detail what happen. We where playing, my son stopped and switch off his xbox, I kept on playing and maybe an hour later he could not join my game or convoy, I tried many things like reset the network, hard reset the Xbox etc. still the same up to now. well the next day mine was like that, it show horizon session found then the msg saying could not connect, then at auction house it says that temp. un available try again later, I herd that couple had the problem but got fixed now. then on browsing the internet and forums try to see what I can do, I come apon a couple of post saying that it might be a temp. ban. No offensive vinals where used or any at that kind. So I wanted to know what will the next step be or can they look into situation and see what’s wrong?

The ticket was open 72 hours ago.

Yep only 72 hours…of which most of that was the weekend
There is a long line that you would be waiting in with all the others and their issues as well…they process them in order and can only solve the issue if it’s possible in that order too

Dont PM me again either…i cant help you with your issue any more than the multiple threads on the same issue

LOL, 72 hours. Might want to read https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst146295_How-long-does-it-take-for-the-official-support-to-respond.aspx and all of the other posts in this subforum.

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I have replied to your DM regarding your account and ticket. The enforcement team will respond to your ticket when they can and we thank you for your patience.

Looking into your account, yes you were banned and there are reasons for this that the team will go through with you within the ticket.
