6 days owned one day played.... still waiting 5 days later to play at all!!!!

Ok so can someone give an answer to how a game can work one day then quit? Just before yet another kind soul tells me to ‘’ reinstall and do a cold start’’ , please dont as it doesnt work! Before the latest ‘‘update’’ i reinstalled 3 times, deleted local saved games and did cold starts… i have now done this another 4 times since the latest ‘‘update’’… guess what?? IT AINT WORKING!! Apart from wanting to play the game , i would like some answers please. Is it due to my saved forza data being corrupt? As it worked and now it lets me wait for 20 mins while ‘‘Syncing’’ and then it wigs out…if so let me start again! As nice as the title screen is , pressing A to go back to the dashboard is tedius now! Someone please give a proper answer or put me in touch with someone who can! As like many hardworking gamers i dont like wastin me days off when i could be gaming on omething ive paid for!

When I uninstalled my game the first time I forgot to turn off my Xbox One and Unplug it for a few seconds to clear the cache. Once I did that and reinstalled my game on an external hard drive, it has been working good with a few freezes and lockups but not terrible.

I don’t know if this will work for you but it worked for me even when I reinstalled on the internal hard drive.

Yep, a “hard reset” of the xbox one has solved this issue for me multiple times. No uninstalling the game and re-installing, just hard reset xbox one.

Has solved the issue for you multiple times? So it hasn’t solved the issue at all then.

There are various types of issues with various solutions.

Most issues can be fixed with a cold boot.

If the game ever tells you something like “you can’t go here, still installing” then the fix is usually uninstall and reinstall the game without deleting your saved game.

Syncing issues can be caused by many and various issues - connection issues at your end or xbox live end (ongoing or temporary), corrupt game saves and I am sure others. Therefore there is not a single solution to syncing issues.

To the OP - if you want to try starting over I can tell you how but I would do that as a last resort.

Go to my games and apps.

Scroll across to Forza Horizon 2 and press the menu button.

Choose Manage game.

On the far right is your saved game, press menu button on that and either choose to delete locally or delete everywhere. Try local first but understand that a full resync takes time. If you try this then let it finsih which can take a while and even if it looks like it has frozen it is probably still working. Let it finish syncing without you doing anything else on the console.

Cheers peeps… luckily i wasnt to far in, so i decided to cancel the sync and guess what?? It worked tho i did have to start again! Whether or not it will still work today i dont know…lol. as i may of opened a new can of worms now as its tellin me theres new and old data hopefully it will sync the new data… (fingers crossed). Thanks for ya help peeps and feel free to add me. :slight_smile:

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Syncing can take a lot of time, especially if you have a lot of friends that played FM5/FH2.

I started FM5 recently after being away for almost a month; took 2 cups of coffee, a cigarette and some household-chores before the sync finished.