3D Model Holo Designs

Using the concept of the ghost racers, a 3D model holo body design would really be a good idea to allow car enthusiasts and beginners alike to have a better perception of what’s actually happening to the cars internally as they’re being edited in the custom upgrades section. For instance, let’s say I click on engine then ignition. Instead of the car showing, its body fades out and a 3D holo model appears with an engine showing some animation as you rev it or something similar. To better illustrate my point. I have attached two links below.

Absolutely love this idea… shocked nobody brought it up (definitely got my vote). Not sure if you ever had played Top Gears RPM tuning for the original xbox but their upgrading system was so unique as they included this sorta setup. Incredibly cool and extremely hard to come by shockingly in a racing title. Top Gear: RPM Tuning Game Sample - Xbox - YouTube

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