I got inspired after reading befuddles’s TMT thread
Ten Minute Tune
Tires: Default
Transmission: Set final drive so you do not hit the limiter on the longest straight
Camber: Front -3.5 Rear -3.0
Toe: Front 0 Rear 0
Caster: 7.0
Rollbars: 1/40 10/30 20/20 30/10 40/1
Start with 1/40 if the car is loose change to 10/30 etc to remove oversteer.
Springs: Multiply default spring rate by .75. The answer is your new spring rate
Ride Height: Minimum
Rebound: Default
Bump: Front 1 Rear 1
Aero: FWD Minimum, RWD Maximum, AWD Minimum
Brakes: 48/130
Differential: FWD 100/30, RWD 10/30, AWD 32/0 53/53 80